Galaxy vs. Outerbase
The Best Outerbase Alternative for AI Querying
Why Developers Are Moving From
Outerbase to Galaxy
Not For Devs
Outerbase is a text to SQL tool meant for business users, not for devs. It lacks core developer functionality and UX.
Limited Collaboration
Outerbase has limited collaborative features, making it difficult for teams to get on the same page about data
Not Future Proof
Team's don't need another visualization tool, they need a better querying client to empower devs with
Quick Comparison:
Galaxy vs Outerbase
Key FeaturesGalaxyOuterbase
Desktop first✅ Desktop app built for devs❌ Has open-source desktop client
AI Copilot✅ Built in, context-aware AI copilot with query optimization❌ Limited AI functionality
Easy for Devs to Use✅ Preferred by devs and empowers your biz users❌ Intended for business users, not devs
Sharing and collaboration✅ Real-time sharing & version control❌ Limited sharing functionality
Integrations✅ Compatible with all your favorite tools (Slack, Airtable, Notion, Linear, etc.)❌ No integrations
Workflow managerComing Soon✅ Workflows in-app
VisualizationsComing Soon✅ Visualization in-app
Price✅ Free plan + affordable tiers❌ $360/year